Home Burglary Statistics
The Uniform Crime Reporting Program has tracked 100 years of crime statistics in the United States, and in 2007 burglary rates were down 0.2%.
- Burglary accounted for 22.1 percent of the estimated number of property crimes committed in 2007.
- Of all burglaries, 61.1 percent involved forcible entry, 32.4 percent were unlawful entries (without force), and the remainder (6.5 percent) were forcible entry attempts.
- In 2007, burglary offenses cost victims an estimated $4.3 billion in lost property; overall, the average dollar loss per burglary offense was $1,991.
- Burglary of residential properties accounted for 67.9 percent of all burglary offenses.
- Offenses for which time of occurrence was known showed that 57.4 percent of burglaries took place during the day and 42.6 percent at night.
- Offenses for which time of occurrence was known showed that more residential burglaries (63.6 percent) occurred during the daytime while 56.4 percent of nonresidential burglaries occurred during nighttime hours.
The Washington Post put many of the recent statistics in a beautiful - yet sad - image.

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