Typical run-of-the-mill exterior doors for your home don’t offer maximum resistance to any sort of assault. For homeowners in very high-risk security areas or for people whose lives put them at a higher level of personal risk, a home security system should be high level and include steel security doors.
Applications for steel security doors include:
Residential security doors come in materials other than steel as well, with specially treated core and exterior materials that make them more durable than their traditional front door. But steel remains a rock solid choice, and the material a symbol of might and strength.
If the notion of “steel entry door” inspires the image of an old-time greasy bank-vault or safe door you’re wrong. Today’s modern steel home doors are high tech and decorative. High impact steel can be customized to fit the style of your home, even painted with a range of decorative colors. No one has to know it’s steel.
Types of steel entry doors:
Steel doors alone on each entryway of your home don’t a home security system make. If you’re considering steel doors this level of resistance is just one component in a much larger home security plan that could include:
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